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  • Title: Lethe
  • Number of players: 2-7
  • Time to play: 2-4 hours per session
  • Release: Spring 2025
  • Preorder: Lethe Crowdfundr


It's not so much a sound as it is a pressure. Low and constant, shaking away anything else that might challenge it for your attention. And then, all too quickly, it recedes from your ears, leaving you to feel the gentle waves splashing against you on some kind of shore. Questions start to race through your mind. Is this a forest? Where are you? WHO are you? Who are the others you see pulling themselves out of the water and why is this place so bright without any sun?

This is how players start their journey in Lethe. It's also most of what they will know about their characters before starting…

Lethe (pronounced “liːθi:” or “Lee-Thee”) is a TTRPG for 1-6 players and 1 GM where players are a group of individuals in an odd and dreamlike world. They wake up on the shore of a river knowing only their name and are tasked with finding who they used to be and how much of that person they want to be going forward. Only the GM knows the character backstories or their stats, skills, and abilities. The players must play to find out who they used to be and who they wish to become.


  • Unique gameplay that has the player start with a blank character sheet which is filled in throughout the game.
  • Players uncover their stats, abilities and their backstory as they play.
  • Great for beginner players. Easy to learn mechanics that are quick to pick up.
  • A dreamlike setting with the ability to customize as much as you wish.
  • Tell a wide range of stories from comedic to serious to scary.
  • A comprehensive guide for GMs to help make sure they are able to tell the collaborative story they wish to tell.
  • Designed to give the players moments of empowerment and catharsis, but on their own terms.

With the game nearing completion, we will be closing the preorders on 3/7/25. If you would like to preorder before then, you can visit The Lethe Crowdfundr Page.

If you would like to be notified when the game is going to be released, please sign up for our mailing list here: Hear From Us